Sir George Biddell Airy, English Astronomer Royal from 1836 till 1881, died on January 2d, after a few months’ illness, in the ninety-first year of his age. A sketch of his life and works up to that time, with a portrait, were given in The Popular Science Monthly for May, 1873. He after that made the preparations for the equipment of the British expedition for the observation of the transit of Venus of 1874, a subject on which he had been engaged since 1836. He retired from his office in the Greenwich Observatory in 1881, after forty-five years of service.

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Sir George Biddell Airy, English Astronomer Royal from 1836 till 1881, died on January 2d, after a few months’ illness, in the ninety-first year of his age. A sketch of his life and works up to that time, with a portrait, were given in The Popular Science Monthly for May, 1873. He after that made the preparations for the equipment of the British expedition for the observation of the transit of Venus of 1874, a subject on which he had been engaged since 1836. He retired from his office in the Greenwich Observatory in 1881, after forty-five years of service.

"Obituary Notes," Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 40 (April 1892) Wikisource.