Prof. Airy, once elevated to that position… he for nearly ten years—namely from 1827 to 1836—delivered with admirable effect, a series of public lectures on experimental philosophy, by which his scientific reputation was considerably advanced. …it was one of the earliest means of effectively illustrating the marvelous phenomena constituting the now almost universally adopted undulatory theory of light. Two years after Prof. Airy’s induction… the estimation in which he was held at the university was still further signalized by his election to the Plumian Professorship. …he at once obtained, by right of his position, the supreme command of the Cambridge Observatory.

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Prof. Airy, once elevated to that position… he for nearly ten years—namely from 1827 to 1836—delivered with admirable effect, a series of public lectures on experimental philosophy, by which his scientific reputation was considerably advanced. …it was one of the earliest means of effectively illustrating the marvelous phenomena constituting the now almost universally adopted undulatory theory of light. Two years after Prof. Airy’s induction… the estimation in which he was held at the university was still further signalized by his election to the Plumian Professorship. …he at once obtained, by right of his position, the supreme command of the Cambridge Observatory.