For me he is the last Arab ruler, and Syria is the last Arab country. It is the fortress of the remaining dignity of the Arabs, and that’s why I’m proud to be here.

For me he is the last Arab ruler, and Syria is the last Arab country. It is the fortress of the remaining dignity of the Arabs, and that’s why I’m proud to be here.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 21, 2020 | Created on June 21, 2020

There’s a different leader in Syria now. Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.

There’s a different leader in Syria now. Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 21, 2020 | Created on June 21, 2020

My patience ran out on President Assad a long time ago. The reason why is because he houses Hamas, he facilitates Hezbollah, suiciders go from his country into Iraq, and he destabilises Lebanon.

My patience ran out on President Assad a long time ago. The reason why is because he houses Hamas, he facilitates Hezbollah, suiciders go from his country into Iraq, and he destabilises Lebanon.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 19, 2020 | Created on June 19, 2020

The reason is not simply because of my opinion of him. It is because it is unimaginable that you can stop the civil war there when the overwhelming majority of people in Syria consider him to be a brutal, murderous dictator.

The reason is not simply because of my opinion of him. It is because it is unimaginable that you can stop the civil war there when the overwhelming majority of people in Syria consider him to be a brutal, murderous dictator.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 19, 2020 | Created on June 19, 2020

It’s sickening to hear these clowns repeatedly claim that “Assad murdered 500,000 of his people,” as though the U.S.-backed terrorists have played no role in the killings. I’ve viewed hundreds of beheadings and crucifixions online but none committed by Syria troops – all were proudly posted by the hellish filth that we’ve recruited, armed and trained for the past eight years. Major war crimes, like beheading 250 Syrian soldiers after running them across the desert in their underpants, were scarcely mentioned by the MSM.

It’s sickening to hear these clowns repeatedly claim that “Assad murdered 500,000 of his people,” as though the U.S.-backed terrorists have played no role in the killings. I’ve viewed hundreds of beheadings and crucifixions online but none committed by Syria troops – all were proudly posted by the hellish filth that we’ve recruited, armed and […]


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 19, 2020 | Created on June 19, 2020

We should not allow ourselves to be collectively hypnotized into believing the media hype that would portray murderers as heroes, and the Syrian people and government struggling to expel them from their country as the villains. Author Janine Di Giovanni, another vehement supporter of NATO-backed regime change in Syria, recently penned an article in the New York Times entitled “In Syria Even the Hospitals are not Safe.” Di Giovanni claims that “Bashar Al Assad [personally] attacks medical facilities to break the will of the people — and to destroy evidence of his war crimes.” Di Giovanni fails to mention the rebuilding and restoration of the hospitals in areas of Syria that were previously occupied by the multi-faceted armed groups, which had either destroyed or systematically taken over hospitals and schools before converting them into detention centers, sharia courtrooms, and torture chambers… Di Giovanni dismisses Syrian government claims that targeted hospitals are occupied by the terrorists and armed groups, without addressing the evidence that hospitals and schools were occupied by militant factions in East Aleppo, Eastern Ghouta, Quneitra, Daraa, Homs, and across Syria. Di Giovanni persists in the unequivocal defense of the U.K.-manufactured White Helmets accused by Syrian civilians of child abduction, organ trafficking, participation in executions of civilians and prisoners of war, and the faking of “chemical weapon” events in Douma, Eastern Ghouta, April 2018. Events that fraudulently facilitated the unlawful bombing of Syrian territory by the U.S Coalition on 13th April 2018….

We should not allow ourselves to be collectively hypnotized into believing the media hype that would portray murderers as heroes, and the Syrian people and government struggling to expel them from their country as the villains. Author Janine Di Giovanni, another vehement supporter of NATO-backed regime change in Syria, recently penned an article in the […]


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 19, 2020 | Created on June 19, 2020

Whatever (Valerie) Amos or any other official or any organization say something against us doesn’t mean it’s real. We have to verify what they say and is it the part of propaganda? is it politicized? or what…

Whatever (Valerie) Amos or any other official or any organization say something against us doesn’t mean it’s real. We have to verify what they say and is it the part of propaganda? is it politicized? or what…


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 19, 2020 | Created on June 19, 2020

When we talk about “clean war,” when there is no casualties, no civilians, no innocent people to be killed, that doesn’t exist, no one could make it, no war in the world…

When we talk about “clean war,” when there is no casualties, no civilians, no innocent people to be killed, that doesn’t exist, no one could make it, no war in the world…


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 19, 2020 | Created on June 19, 2020

Talk about the reality, about the facts, when to talk about children being killed, children of who? where? how? you’re talking about propaganda, about media campaign, about sometimes fake pictures on the internet, we cannot talk but ones of the facts. We can talk about the facts, I cannot talk about allegations.

Talk about the reality, about the facts, when to talk about children being killed, children of who? where? how? you’re talking about propaganda, about media campaign, about sometimes fake pictures on the internet, we cannot talk but ones of the facts. We can talk about the facts, I cannot talk about allegations.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 19, 2020 | Created on June 19, 2020