Whoevers tongue utters the truth, his practise becomes purified; and the one whose intention is decent and good, his sustenance increases; and whoever adopts good attitude and decent behavior with his family, his life span lengthens.

Whoevers tongue utters the truth, his practise becomes purified; and the one whose intention is decent and good, his sustenance increases; and whoever adopts good attitude and decent behavior with his family, his life span lengthens.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 22, 2020 | Created on June 22, 2020

Consider the world as an abode where in you have dropped down for an hour, then you have got to leave it and go ahead; or (suppose it is) like the wealth which you lay hands upon in a dream and become over-joyed and glad. Then you wake up to find yourself empty handed.

Consider the world as an abode where in you have dropped down for an hour, then you have got to leave it and go ahead; or (suppose it is) like the wealth which you lay hands upon in a dream and become over-joyed and glad. Then you wake up to find yourself empty handed.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 22, 2020 | Created on June 22, 2020

The virtue of knowledge is more lovable with Allah than the virtue of worship. The best (thing) in your religion is piety.

The virtue of knowledge is more lovable with Allah than the virtue of worship. The best (thing) in your religion is piety.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 22, 2020 | Created on June 22, 2020

The person who teaches one chapter of guidance to the people will have a reward similar to all those who would act upon it, and nothing would be lessened or subtracted from the reward of those who practise it; and the one who teaches a chapter of misguidance, he will have the burden similar to each one who acts upon it, and nothing will be lessened from their burden of sin.

The person who teaches one chapter of guidance to the people will have a reward similar to all those who would act upon it, and nothing would be lessened or subtracted from the reward of those who practise it; and the one who teaches a chapter of misguidance, he will have the burden similar to […]


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 22, 2020 | Created on June 22, 2020

Knowledge and science is the fruit of paradise; in times of threat it is one’s ally, in exile it keeps one company, and in solitude it is one’s intimate friend and companion.

Knowledge and science is the fruit of paradise; in times of threat it is one’s ally, in exile it keeps one company, and in solitude it is one’s intimate friend and companion.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 22, 2020 | Created on June 22, 2020

On the Day of Judgement, God will interrogate people according to the wisdom he has granted them.

On the Day of Judgement, God will interrogate people according to the wisdom he has granted them.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 22, 2020 | Created on June 22, 2020

Opposition of one’s desires is the sign of the highest level of wisdom in a human being.

Opposition of one’s desires is the sign of the highest level of wisdom in a human being.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 22, 2020 | Created on June 22, 2020

There is no pain worse than ignorance and lack of intelligence.

There is no pain worse than ignorance and lack of intelligence.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 22, 2020 | Created on June 22, 2020

Learn knowledge and science from him who teaches it, even if he doesn’t practice what he preaches.

Learn knowledge and science from him who teaches it, even if he doesn’t practice what he preaches.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 22, 2020 | Created on June 22, 2020

How beautiful it is when goodness succeeds badness; and how unappealing it is when evil succeeds goodness.

How beautiful it is when goodness succeeds badness; and how unappealing it is when evil succeeds goodness.


by Suhel Ahmad | Last Updated on June 22, 2020 | Created on June 22, 2020