I survive almost any onslaught with a shrug, which must appear as arrogance, but really isn’t because I’m not an arrogant person. When you write a play, you make a set of assumptions — that you have something to say, that you know how to say it, that its worth saying, and that maybe someone will come along for the ride. That’s all. And then you go about your business, assuming you’d be the first to know if your talent has collapsed. I don’t think I’ve been a commercial playwright ever. By some curious mischance, a couple of my plays managed to hit an area where commercial success was feasible. But it’s wrong to think I’m a commercial playwright who has somehow ceased his proper function. I have always been the same thing — which is not a commercial playwright. I’m not after the brass ring. I very seldom get it anyway, and then it’s accidental when I do. … So I write those things that interest me.

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I survive almost any onslaught with a shrug, which must appear as arrogance, but really isn’t because I’m not an arrogant person. When you write a play, you make a set of assumptions — that you have something to say, that you know how to say it, that its worth saying, and that maybe someone will come along for the ride. That’s all. And then you go about your business, assuming you’d be the first to know if your talent has collapsed.
I don’t think I’ve been a commercial playwright ever. By some curious mischance, a couple of my plays managed to hit an area where commercial success was feasible. But it’s wrong to think I’m a commercial playwright who has somehow ceased his proper function. I have always been the same thing — which is not a commercial playwright. I’m not after the brass ring. I very seldom get it anyway, and then it’s accidental when I do. … So I write those things that interest me.

As quoted in Conversations with Edward Albee (1988) by Philip C. Kolin, p. 176